How long does delivery take?
All orders are shipped within 2-5 business days. If your order hasn’t arrived in the estimated delivery times, please contact our support team at
Can you provide me with a tracking number?
All tracking number will be emailed to the customer as soon as the tracking information becomes available.
I've entered the wrong shipping address, can I change it?
If this happens to you, email us as soon as possible, we MIGHT be able to take care of it.
However, we can't promise anything as all our items are usually processed immediately after you order and ship out the same day or a few days after. If your order has already entered the shipping process, we won't be able to stop it.
We should not be responsible if you entered an incomplete and/or incorrect shipping address. Our system automatically process orders and just follows what you supplied.
Can I cancel my order after it has been placed?
Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel your order once it has been processed and/or shipped. If you cancel your order BEFORE it has been processed and/or shipped, you will be assessed a 15% cancellation fee to cover restocking fees and the charges assessed to us for refunds by the
credit card companies.